Two “Simple Steps” That Will Eliminate The Biggest Barriers That Are Keeping Most Internet Marketers From Experiencing Success.


There are a lot of things that go into building a successful online business. Traffic generation, list building and conversions are always at the top of the list.

But for this post I want to talk about two “Simple Steps” that most new and struggling marketers can make today that will dramatically increase their opportunity for online business success.

I honestly believe that these two “Simple Steps” can break down the biggest barriers that are holding back a large percentage of aspiring internet marketers.

The two “Simple Steps” I am talking about are:

  • You have to start “Implementing” what you are learning.
  • You have to stop “Consuming” content and start “Producing” content.

You Have To Start “Implementing” What You Are Learning.

No matter what internet marketing program or private membership you belong to — my advice to you is “DO As You Learn.” As soon as you learn a strategy or a new skill, implement what you just learned.

At some point all new internet marketers have to stop learning and start doing.  If you want to experience web business success, you have to get into the habit of “doing as you are learning.”

It is my belief that “Speed of implementation” is the one of the major key’s to web business success. The faster you implement what you learn, the sooner you will know what works and what does not work. And then, you can focus your time and energy on what is “proven” to work.

This is not Rocket Science. If you want to build a successful online business you have to get moving and the best way forward is to simply implement what you just learned. This is the quickest way to create momentum in your business that I know of.

Things in motion tend to stay in motion, and that is exactly why developing momentum in your business is critically important.  Once are moving and once you have momentum, you will begin to see results.  As you generate results your will confidence grow and your self-belief will grow. And once you have self-belief, you literally have no limits!

You Have To Stop “Consuming” Content And Start “Producing” Content.

I firmly believe that one of the biggest challenges new internet marketers face is information overload. To fight this problem most new marketers and those who are struggling will read and consume more information in an effort to find an easier path to success.

As online marketers consume more content they get more confused and eventually they drown themselves in information. It is a vicious cycle that leaves most aspiring internet marketers completely frustrated and ready to give up.

If this describes you, please pay close attention because what I am about to say is vitally important. At some point you have to stop “Consuming” content and you must start “Developing” your own content.

The only way you can build a successful web business is to add value to the marketplace. And that is exactly what developing your own content allows you to do — it allows you to add value and “serve” your market.

But if you sit at your desk all day and read emails, consume sales letters, spend a couple hours on social media and then another hour or two watching webinars — you will invest all of your time “Consuming” and you will never be “Producing.”

If you learn nothing else from reading this blog, learn this: “The moment you stop consuming content and start producing content is the moment you transform yourself from an opportunity seeker into a web entrepreneur.”

It’s a transformation almost all successful web entrepreneurs have had to make.

Most of us come into this business with big dreams and dollar signs in our eyes, and we start by consuming every internet marketing product we can get our hands on in an effort to find the easiest path to wealth.  When it doesn’t happen we move from one product to another hoping to find the secret formula for instant online riches.

Whether it’s the online world or the offline world, business does not work that way.  The only way to realize lasting success is to stick your fork into one market and to start serving that market.

The bottom line is this:  You have stop looking for “easy money” and you have to start thinking about “building a real business.”

The first step in this transformation is to decide what business do you want to build?  And then, the next step is to stop consuming content and to start producing content for the market that you want to serve.

Of course, you will want to study your market and learn from those who are building successful businesses in your market.  Just don’t spend too much time consuming their content.  Yes, it is important to be a student of your market.  But as soon as you learn anything that can be applied to your business . . . START IMPLEMENTING!

Speed of implementation is the key. And you can’t implement and you can’t produce content if you invest 100% of your time consuming content.

Just remember this. . . opportunity seekers invest most of their time consuming content while successful web entrepreneurs invest most of their time producing content that serves their market.

Are you a struggling internet marketer?  If so, perhaps it’s time to stop “consuming” so much content.  Perhaps it’s time to start “producing” content that adds value to the marketplace.  It’s the surest way to web business success that I know of.

All The Best,

Jon Poland

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