Frank Kern’s Mass Control 2.0: 50% Off Special Offer Ends Today!

Update:  Frank Kern has put Mass Control 2.0 back on the market!!

As of today, December 13, 2012, the doors to Frank Kern’s Mass Control 2.0 are now open for just 48 hours.  If you have ever wanted to get your hands on Franks best selling product, this may be your last opportunity.  Frank is offering Mass Control 2.0 and his popular List Control product for just $997.  But you must act fast because I am told that this special offer will end on Saturday, December 15th.

Frank has recently stated that his primary focus is now helping private clients.  Because of this, he has no future plans to rerelease Mass Control in the future.  Sure, this could always change and he could reopen the doors 6 months from now.  But if you have ever wanted to get Frank’s most popular selling product and get it at 50% off the regular price, this is a great opportunity to learn “Marketing” from one of the brightest minds in this business.

You can get access to Mass Control 2.0 and List Control by clicking on the link below.  And just so you know, that is NOT an affiliate link.  I will receive no compensation if you purchase from the link below.

End of Update.

I just want to make a short post and let you know that Frank Kern is offering a terrific deal on his best selling product, Mass Control 2.0.

Mass Control 2.0 normally sells for $2000. But for a very limited time you can get Frank’s very popular Direct Response & Internet Marketing Course for just $997. That is a savings of almost $1000.

Frank Kern has also sweetened the pot by offering his $2000 List Control course as a free bonus. That means you get both Mass Control 2.0 and List Control, a total value of $4,000, for only $1000.

But you must act fast because the offer does end at midnight (Pacific Time) on Saturday, May 26, 2012.

Click here to get Frank Kern’s Mass Control 2.0 for 50% off along with List Control as a free bonus.

Just so you know I have not reviewed Mass Control 2.0 at this time. And I am not endorsing it. My reason for making this post is very straight forward: I simply want to let you know that Frank Kern has opened the doors to Mass Control 2.0 for a very limited time, and you can get his prized product at a deep discount. If you have ever wanted to get Frank’s two most popular products (Mass Control and List Control), from a price standpoint, you may never receive a better offer.

This afternoon I watched a 2 hour webinar (video) that Frank put on to promote this special offer for Mass Control 2.0. Here are the takeaways that I got from this webinar:

1. Marketing Fact (according to Frank Kern): “Your income is directly proportional to the number of successful offers you present to the marketplace.”

I’ve heard Frank Kern say this several times before. Most people in this business are not successful, and a big reason for this is simply because they are not making enough offers. But you can’t just make one offer after another. You have to add value with your offers. In the webinar Frank Kern stated that the ratio of your content should be 5% entertainment, 90% useful content and 5% sales.

2. In 2007 Frank uncovered a tremendous opportunity. He discovered “Old School Direct Response Marketing.” Soon thereafter, he asked the following powerful questions: “What if you could take the best stuff from traditional direct mail and print marketing and ‘Infuse’ the internet with it? What if you could apply the same marketing methods that have made billions over the past 100 years and apply it to this new media we call the internet?”

Frank proceeded to immerse himself in “Old School” direct marketing, studying direct marketing classics from people like Claude Hopkins, Eugene Schwartz, Robert Collier, Robert Cialdini, Dan Kennedy and others (Note: Frank has learned much of his direct marketing knowledge from Dan Kennedy).

Frank has taken the time-tested principles taught by these masters of direct marketing and applied them to today’s internet marketing. And in my opinion this is the key to his tremendous success.

3. In Mass Control 2.0 Frank goes into detail and reveals his most successful campaigns so his students can model the campaigns and apply the “lessons learned” in their own marketing. There are a total 11 campaigns (i.e case studies) that Frank covers in Mass Control 2.0.

At least one of these is an offline marketing campaign. Frank Kern stated that one of the things he likes about doing offline marketing (i.e. direct mail) is that it makes it difficult for other marketers to copy him. When Frank does an internet based campaign just about everyone in the market knows about it. But when he launches a direct mail campaign, the only people who know about it are the people who receive his direct mail piece.

3. Frank started in this business with virtually no technical ability and no marketing skills. Today his technical skills are still limited, but he has become a “Direct Response Marketing Pro” simply by studying the pioneers of direct response.

Dan Kennedy has often said that if you want to be successful you have to become a serious student of your business. And that is what Frank Kern has done — he has become a serious student of direct response marketing.

Frank believes that most internet marketers are making a huge mistake because they are learning marketing from other internet marketers. Franks said the world of offline direct marketing is so much bigger than online marketing and there is a 150 year history of proven direct marketing principles that have been mastered over the years.

Frank then added: “(In 2007) I thought to myself, if all these principles have been working for 150 years why not just go and steal from these guys (the masters of direct response)? Why should I even look at this internet marketing stuff?”

Frank Kern went on to say: “I think the internet is child’s play compared to the offline direct response industry.”

4. In Mass Control 2.0 Frank discusses in detail what he calls “Education Based Direct Response Marketing.” The idea here is that you educate your prospect about how to solve his or her problem “before” you ask for the sale.

In Education Base Direct Response Marketing you do the following: Get the prospect’s attention; Educate the prospect about the problem; Help them solve part of the problem in advance; Then ask for the sale.

This is classic Frank Kern marketing. It’s all about giving “Results In Advance.” You help the prospect solve part of the problem by giving the prospect part of the solution. You then say….”If you want the rest of the solution you can get it here (i.e. buy my product).”

Here is the power of “Results In Advance” Marketing.” By offering part of the solution you are helping the customer move closer to where he or she wants to be. This gives you huge credibility because you are delivering “Value” before you are asking for the sale. This makes you “Believable” — and selling become so much easier when the prospect trusts you and believes your message.

5. “Market To Message Match” is critical. Frank learned this from Dan Kennedy. Your market has to want what you are selling. For example, in several of Franks case studies he goes through campaigns that he marketed to his list. Frank stated….”This would not have worked if I was selling SEO strategies. That is not what my audience wants. My audience comes to me because they want to learn how to sell more stuff with less effort.”

6. Frank said that he has been successful because he has followed the same simple format since 2007: “Let me sum it up as follows — give them something cool that helps them. Then sell them something cooler that helps them even more.”

That is powerful stuff. Give away something really good for free to prove your value (give them “results in advance”). And then, offer your prospects something even better that moves them further down the track.

7. This is critical: make sure your content is something your prospects can either benefit from immediately or can see themselves realistically benefiting from when the time is right.

8. When you are presenting your stuff to your prospect, be mellow. Don’t be an ass. Don’t be sound like a sales guy. Be cool. Be there to educate and inform your prospect. Speak like a consultant

9. You have got to build a list. The key to making direct response work is that you have to be able to “Follow Up” with your prospects. By putting them on a list you are able to do communicate with your prospects over and over again. This ability of follow up with the propect is a huge advantage that today’s marketers have over the masters of direct response marketing. Guys like Claude Hopkins and Eugene Schwartz did not have the benefit of the modern day autoresponder.

Also, Frank Kern’s expertise is in helping people sell more to their list. Effective email marketing and list marketing strategies is what he teaches in Mass Control 2.0. If you don’t have a list and have no desire to build a list, do not buy Mass Control 2.0!! It will be of little value to you.

The reason Frank included List Control with this special offer for Mass Control 2.0 is to help those who do not have a list build a list. If you want to be successful in this business you have got to be list building!

There are several reasons why Frank Kern has been so incredibly successful. One reason is because he has studied and mastered the principles of direct response marketing. Another reason is because he has developed a large list of prospects that he can market to over and over again.

10. My final takeaway is this: If you do not want to invest $1000 on Frank Kern’s training you can still get a first class “Direct Response” education and you can get this education at a fraction of the cost. Simply go to Amazon and start ordering direct marketing classics from masters like Claude Hopkins, Eugene Schwartz, Dan Kennedy, Robert Collier, John Caples and others.

This is exactly what Frank Kern did 5 years ago and this is exactly what I am going to start doing this week. I’ve had Claude Hopkins classic “Scientific Advertising” sitting on my bookshelf for far too long. It’s time to dive into that thing and learn direct response marketing from one of the true legends.

All The Best,

Jon Poland


  1. […] I wrote this post primarily to inform you that you can get Frank’s highly regarded Mass Control 2.0 for 50% off the normal $1997 purchase price.   In this post I also reviewed a 2 hour webinar that Frank did to promote the re-launch of Mass Control 2.0.  As is normally the case when Frank puts on a webinar, it was filled with some terrific marketing insights.  If you want to review my notes from this webinar, simply click on the following link:  Frank Kern Mass Control 2.0. […]

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