Time Management Tips For Internet Marketers: How To Double Your Productivity Instantly!


A few months ago I read Tim Ferriss’ excellent book The Four Hour Work Week. My biggest takeaway from The Four Hour Work Week was this nugget: “If you want to become super productive you need to go on a Low Information Diet.”

His advice made a ton of sense to me. Shut off the TV and kill the radio while in the car, and in the process you will free your mind from the daily barrage of news and commercial media that does nothing but scramble your mind and keep you from being focused on the work that needs to be done.

And this worked . . . . to a degree. I was more focused and more things were getting accomplished. But I was still not as productive as I wanted to be. Because of this, I needed to take this concept of a “Low Information Diet” to another level. And thanks to a brilliant marketer from Australia by the name of James Schramko, I received a tip that literally doubled my productivity instantly.

Recently, I was searching the archives of The Warrior Forum where I found this April 2009 post by James Schramko.  In this short post James reveals the number one tip that has catapulted him to massive internet marketing success.

Here is the entire Warrior Forum post by James Schramko:

Three Years Later — My Biggest Success Tip For $$$.

I just noticed I joined here three years ago.

Back then I was working full time and trying to
figure it all out. I have since quit working for
someone else and have my own IM business.

I have several six figure business models running
now and this was only possible because of the
following action I took.

Since doing this one thing I have had several
six figure months.

Here it is:

** Get off all those email lists **

Yes – as soon as you unsubscribe from every crap
email list you will free up three hours a day and
you can get into creating products.

You will be able to implement many of the ideas
and training materials you have bought along the
way too!

Seriously – Your output will be inversely opposite
to the number of email lists you subscribe to.

Don’t fool your self into thinking you will miss an
important message or technique. Many marketers only
have one technique – greed.

Try it for a month and tell me what happens!

If you are like me and most internet marketers, you are on far too many email lists. And you probably spend countless hours every day reading emails and then going down a bottomless pit researching the “Next Big Thing” being hyped the latest Internet Marketing Guru.

Please Stop It . . . NOW!

Seriously. Takes James Schramko’s Million Dollar Advice and get off those mailing list.   This simple, yet profound act will free your mind and allow you to focus your valuable time on what is most important — and that is “Serving” your marketplace and building your business.

The content on the majority of internet marketing mailing lists is nothing but a distraction that is holding you back and keeping you from success!

Stop looking for “Instant Internet Income” and do what almost all successful internet marketers do . . . . pick a market to serve and then deliver value to that market.

Place the odds of success in your favor and remove yourself from at least 80% of these mailing lists.  This valuable time management tip will put you on a low information diet, which will allow you to focus your time on creating content and serving your market.

Take James Schramko’s time management strategy and try it for just one month — and watch your productivity skyrocket.


Click here for information on James Schramko’s high-end mentoring program.

Click here to access the FREE training series for James Schramko’s Fast Web Formula.  In this free training James reviews the exact “Formula” he uses to drive his million dollar online business.  You will also receive a copy of the actual mindmap that James uses to run his business.  I highly recommend you get the mindmap.  It will show you how this 7-figure marketer runs his business.  Very educational . . . . and it’s FREE!

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